Posted in: Family

January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Okay I am beyond excited to be sharing these gorgeous Massachusetts autumn family pictures with you all!!! If you are new to my blog, welcome! I’m Christina Runnals, a Massachusetts family photographer specializing in creating images that are light filled and full of joy. My blog is a place where I showcase all of my latest sessions. I would love to show you some of my favorite images from this beautiful late autumn session so full of love!!
If you’d like to learn more about my family portrait packages and book your own family session, head to my website.
The Rush family’s session was one of my last family sessions of the year, and with good reason. We took these December 4th and we were FREEZING!! Lol! Hence, why I always begin to wrap up my sessions at this time of year. The whole family were rockstars though, and smiled through their shivers for some epic shots ✨. Enjoy!
I was sooooo excited for this session! Alicia seemed so excited, and to top it all off I found out she’s a makeup artist!! Ahhhh so I knew she was going to look stunningly gorgeous and wow was I right. Alicia wanted a neutral background versus anything to pine tree/Christmas-y, since she wanted to use the photos throughout her home and such. At this late time in the autumn, the trees have lost their leaves, but fields are golden. This was the perfect backdrop for their pictures!
Alicia showed me examples of what she was looking for, and I actually love when clients do this. It shows me what they are TRULY desiring, even if they aren’t really able to put it into words. And what she wanted was candids, candids, and more candids! Luckily, candids are my FAVORITE and I am well trained in “creating” candid moments, so this was easy!!!
Alicia’s youngest son was three (close to four) and adorable! I have a three and four year old myself, so I well know how unpredictable kids this age can be at photoshoots. This little guy was so cute and high energy, I pulled out all my tricks and jokes to get him to look at the camera once in a while, and enlisted the family for help a few times too! By the end of the session, Alicia remarked “WOW I had no idea how hard it would be to take pictures of a three year old!!!”
Would you like to book Christina Runnals for your own Massachusetts autumn family pictures? Book your session, or find out more about a family portrait session with Christina Runnals Photography! You can even view all of my pricing and package options here!
For Massachusetts autumn family pictures, do keep in mind that you should try to contact me as SOON as possible to schedule. Autumn is of course an EXTREMELY in-demand season for family photographers. Therefore, I recommend booking with me at least 6 months in advance for summer and fall sessions. I often times even have clients book as early as a year in advance to make sure they secure a prime spot! Indeed, I am posting this in January and already have three families pre-booked for this autumn. If you’re booking at the last minute and can’t get the date you want, you could email me about a sunrise session. I can often make time for an early morning session while my children are still sleeping :-). Hope to hear from you soon!
Christina Runnals is a nationally published and award winning Massachusetts family photographer who specializes in taking photographs that are light-filled, glowy, and full of joy! She has photographed family pictures all over New England and loves working with children of all ages. If you are ready to update your family portraits, she is always so excited to be considered ! Please check out her family portrait session page here for more information!
© 2023 Massachusetts Autumn Family Pictures | christinarunnalsphotography@gmail.c
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